5th year Mechanical Engineering (MEng Hons) student. I graduate this summer and am hoping to pursue a career in Data Analytics/ Data Science.
Research Project during the summer between my third and fourth year
• Developed optimisation code in MATLAB to specify discrete load cases for tidal blade testing in a globally recognised standard for the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC TS 62600-3:2020)
Final Year Individual Project (Dissertation)- Advanced Control of the FASTBLADE Facility (Supported by Encarni Medina-Lopez)
Research Question 1:
• Developed a GUI application that selects the position and angle of hydraulic rams to best represent continuous load distributions whilst maintaining regions of interest (upper and lower bounds) for different test setups at FASTBLADE
Research Question 2:
• Used machine learning to create transfer functions that replicate FASTBLADE’s numerical model and can accurately predict key performance metrics for various test setups (providing an operating regime for the system)
• One of the machine learning models was then used to provide a proof of concept for an open loop control system where hydraulic throttle and loading frequency are adjusted to ensure constant amplitude loading as the structural properties of test specimen decays
Working with Jeffrey Steynor and Fergus Cuthill has been a privilege and a pleasure over the past 2 years. Particularly, Jeff has provided me with the most rewarding work I have carried out at University and has always encouraged me to achieve new things while providing me with copious amounts of professional support throughout.