About me
5th year Mechanical Engineering (MEng Hons) student. I graduate this summer and I am moving to London to start my graduate job in September. Enjoy playing hockey and golf in my free time.
Completed my final year individual project in 2020 as part of FASTBLADE, supervised by Professor Conchúr Ó Brádaigh and Dr Jeffrey Steynor. Project title: Design of Load Introduction Points for Fatigue Loading of Composite Tidal Turbine Blades in FASTBLADE.
My project focused on the interface between a saddle, which applies a load to the blade, and the blade itself. I conducted multiple analytical studies on a saddle system which pushes on a blade to determine the minimum saddle thickness required for different test load cases and the preload required to ensure the saddle remains in contact with the blade during loading.
I also used ABAQUS to produce various numerical models of the blade/saddle system to investigate the displacement and stress response of an aerofoil when subject to a load which pushes on the system. The results of which allowed me to give recommendations to the FASTBLADE team on design changes that need to be made for future saddles and blades.